
A Happy Accident 3 - Swap!Papyrus x Reader

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A/N: Please go back and re-read Chapters 1 and 2. I changed a few things in those chapter. Thank you for reading! Enjoy!


Chapter 3 – Rainstorms and Umbrellas

You glared at Blake as he went on and on about the pink haired girl he had you help him flirt with. As he blabbered on, Mettaton, who came over to talk with you in your dorm on the college campus (it’s a holiday, so no classes for a couple of days), sat/hovered next to you, awkwardly glancing at you now and then. At some point, both you and Mettaton exchanged a glance, as if wishing someone would save you both from Blake’s consistent chatter. All he seemed to be interested in was talking about how he and the pink-haired girl were now dating, how cute she was, how nice she was, how their first date went, and so on.

You did, however, understand what Blake was saying. He couldn’t get the girl out of his head, even though they are now dating, and you found your thoughts wondering back to a week ago when Blake took you to that sweet’s shop. A week ago, after you and Blake parted ways, you had come across the skeleton monster, Papyrus, and to the day, he still plagues your thoughts. First off, you really wanted to know why the heck skeledude (yup, you’re keeping that) was sleeping in the forest. Secondly, how can skeletons sleep and blink and-

You immediately cut your thoughts off from that train and carefully, as to not disturb the rambling man, placed your right elbow on your knee and leaned your cheek against your hand. You decided a while back, after meeting Mettaton, that it was best to simply blame everything you did not understand about monsters on magic. Speaking of which, the reason Mettaton had come over was to tell you about a part-time job opportunity, since you had mentioned you needed a part-time job to help pay for food and art supplies, but you were both interrupted when Blake barged into your room. And that brings you to your current situation of listening to Blake.

Just as you tuned back into what Blake was saying exactly, you noted he was about to start yet another long story, as he tapped your leg. That’s when you decided to stop he rampage.

“Blake,” You said in the most earnest voice you could muster and leaned back against the wall next to your bed, “Why exactly did you come here other than to tell me about your new girlfriend?”

“Oh, right!” Blake yelped, as if he was electrocuted by the reminder, and jumped off of your bed and pointed triumphantly at you, “I finally convinced a buddy of mine to join me for a movie night at my house in town and she asked if she could bring a friend along. So! I told her I’d bring some of my friends too, then it’d be like a real movie night party!”

You felt you left eyebrow twitch slightly and shook your head. “So, let me get this straight, the reason you barged in here and started telling me about that girl-“

“Mina,” Blake added.

“Mina, is because you wanted to tell me that you invited her and -let me guess- she said yes. Then you decided to invite me?”

“And Mettaton!” Blake said and then glanced over to the pink ghost, who shyly hid behind you slightly. “If you want, that is, Mettaton.”

“Ooooooh… uh… sure, why not?” Mettaton said and glanced at you, a question in their… eye-things?

With a heavy sigh, you smiled and sat forward again to nudge Mettaton, “Alright, then. We’re coming,” You said and ran a hand through your (h/c) hair. “When is this party and what do you want us to bring?”

“WOO!” Blake yelled triumphantly and threw his fists into the air, but then he turned (slightly) serious. “It’ll be at my house tonight (you already have my address, (y/n)) and both of you need to bring your favorite movie, snacks, drink -no alcohol, my baby sister will be there-, and a pillow. Just in case this turns into a sleepover.”

Both you and Mettaton nod, and then your ghostly friend asked, “Would… it be okay… i-if I bring a movie from the underground?”

“Yeah, of course! Bring any movie you want, but only one,” Blake said and scratched his blonde head. “I want to make it fair for everyone to get to watch each of our movies.”

“Sounds good,” you said and hopped off of your bed before shoving Blake towards the door. “Anyway, get out. Now that you’ve delivered your message and got what you came for, you best head out and get your house ready for tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Blake laughed and opened your door, but gave you a thumbs up with the dorkiest grin ever, which infected you and you found yourself grinning back. “See ya tonight!”

You waved Blake off and once your door was closed again, you turned back to Mettaton, who was smiling excitedly. “Anyway, Met, what’s this job you were telling me about?”

“Right!” Mettaton said excitedly, being much more confident with just you in the room. “I work at this maid café and we’re indeed of another maid! Sooooooo~, I was wondering if you’d like the job!”

“A… maid café…” You groaned as you felt your left eye twitch. You never had an interest in maid-anything, but you seriously needed the money. Break was coming up, which was a perfect time to get more money… but a maid café… With a heavy sigh, you nodded. “Alright, when’s the interview?”

“Whenever!” Mettaton said excitedly and hugged you as best as they could. “This will be so much fun!”

You laughed slightly and walked over to your bookcase and crouched down to your movies. “What movie should I bring?”

“Well, I plan on bringing Nabstablook’s Musical Adventure,” Mettaton said with a sigh. You remember them telling you that they were a massive fan of Nabstablook, but was too shy to approach him or even talk to him.

“That sounds good,” You hummed and pulled out (fav movie) and held it up. “How about this?”

“OH! That looks good!” Mettaton said excitedly before looking outside, “Oh no, it looks like it’s gonna rain.”

You placed the movie on your dresser and looked outside and shrugged, “Good, that means the pollen will be squashed and I won’t be sneezing like a maniac.”

Mettaton giggled and floated up and toward your door, “Well… I best be heading out and home. Gotta get ready for tonight, right?”

“Right!” You said and waved as Mettaton fazed through your door and disappeared. Once your friend was gone, you looked down at the ground, then to your computer and sighed. “A maid café of all jobs… I guess it couldn’t hurt…”

With that, you started collecting what you needed from your room for the party and shoving your stuff into one of you pillow cases with your pillow.

Movie, chips, chocolate, dried fruit (why not?), water bottle, and a pillow. You listed each item and nodded, but the pitter-patter of rain hitting your window drew your attention. Gotta bring my umbrella, might as well stop by the store on my way there and buy some more drinks for the others. Wonder how many people will be there?

You picked up the pillow and items and pulled everything out. You decided it would be best to use your suitcase, then you wouldn’t have to worry about your stuff getting wet. Once everything was in your (f/c) suitcase, you grabbed your phone and wallet and locked your room up.

(le time skip)

“That will be fifteen dollars and forty-three cents, ma’am,” The cashier said and you handed him the money. You then grab your bag with the various drink (ranging from ice coffee, sweet tea, and soda to water) and went back outside. By the time you had gotten to the super market, it was downright pouring cats and dogs, and you were not looking forward to going back out there, despite your earlier proclamation of rain being good. You just didn’t think it would get this bad.

As you walked down the road, pulling your suitcase, now with your stuff and the drinks in it, behind you, you noticed a somewhat familiar orange color ahead of you. Why did you recognize that color orange? And that skull…

Skull…? A skeleton?

“What?” You muttered and stared at the drenched figure of the animated (as in alive and moving) skeleton. He was soaked to the bone… heh…

Ugh, puns… There was time for them, but this was not that time.

Apparently, Papyrus heard your comment and was now staring at you as water dripped down his skull. Your (e/c) eyes met the skeleton monster’s eye sockets and the two of you just stood there, him under a store cover (which barely protected him from the rain) and you under your umbrella (which kept the water off of you almost completely, you had a pretty big umbrella). After a few moments, you heard that deep familiar chuckle from the forest and the image of honeysuckles danced around your vision.

“heh, hey there,” Papyrus said and trotted up to you and leaned down and beneath your umbrella. He moved closer to you and gave a rather smug grin as he said, “perfect timing, mind helping a guy out? i forgot to grab my umbrella before i left.”

You leaned back slightly and felt the skeleton’s hand brush against yours as he took your umbrella and moved closer once again. “Oh, uh… sure?” You muttered and watched as Papyrus raised the umbrella high enough for his freaking height (yup, you had a small hint of a height issue, but he was so TALL!) and started walking, pulling your suitcase alongside you and under the umbrella. Papyrus walked alongside of you, but made sure the (your) umbrella was covering both of you.

After a minute of walking in silence, which was simply you collecting your thoughts, you looked up at the orange clad skeleton and asked, “Where… uh… where are you headed, Papyrus?”

“you remember my name? thanks,” Papyrus chuckled, but it did not sound genuine to you, it sounded almost forced… “anyway, i’m headed for the house of a buddy’s buddy. what about you?”

There’s no way I’d forget a name like that or an animated skeleton… You thought and smiled up at the taller being. “That’s cool, I’m also headed for a friend’s house for a movie night.”

That seemed to pique Papyrus’s attention and he looked down at you completely with a raised brow-bone(thing). “huh, what the coincidence…” he muttered so quietly that you almost didn’t hear him over the rain, which drummed on the designed umbrella.

After that, neither of you said anything and continued walking (you following him more than anything), until you recognized the scenery around you.

Huh? Wait… isn’t this the way to… Blake’s house? You thought in confusion and glanced at Papyrus from the corner of your eye and noticed him focusing on the road ahead of you. The same road that led to Blake’s house… What in the heck?

Instead of saying anything about it, you continued to walk beside the skeleton, nervous about where he was leading you. Many thoughts rushed through your head, mainly along the lines of the party and if Papyrus was heading there as well.

Soon enough, your thoughts were answered when a familiar voice called out to not just you, but the skeleton as well. You looked ahead of you and Papyrus, and saw Blake running towards the two of you, in the rain. He was quickly getting wet…

“(Y/n)! Papyrus!” Blake yelled, waving his arm, and smiled broadly. “You both made it!”

Your (e/c) eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and looked at Papyrus, who glanced down at you with a cocky smirk.

Some time has past since you first met Papyrus.

Chapter 1 -…
Chapter 2 -…
Chapter 3 - YOU ARE HERE
Chapter 4 -…

Chapter 5 -…

Chapter 6 - Coming soon(ish)
© 2017 - 2024 BlondeFromHell
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TheGamingEeveee's avatar
What indeed me, What indeed