
A Happy Accident 1 - Swap!Papyrus x Reader

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Literature Text

Chapter 1 – Flowers and Monsters

Spring, the season of color, warmth, and the growing of life that died during Fall and Winter. All sorts of flowers bloomed during those few months of Spring, such as tulips, cherry blossom trees, daffodils, roses, and so much more. Despite all of those beautiful flowers blooming with such vibrant colors, many people were trapped inside because of one common issues; allergies.

You were among those unfortunate humans, forever cursed.

For as long as you could remember, you had had allergies so bad that you usually had to stay inside. That was as true as it was back then as it is now. You already had to be inside for your college classes, which lasted long hours every other day (mon/wed/fri). During spring, it was almost a death sentence to be outside even when class was not going on, and you weren’t even allergic to the tree pollen or flower pollen! You were allergic to a weed for crying out loud, not the wonderful flowers.

That demonic plant was called ragweed, which was a spindly plant that looked kind of like goldenrod, but it was ugly. Really, it was such a common cause to allergies, too, and it just happened to grow in ARMIES at your campus. So, here you are, a sneezing mess that is forced to wear a flu mask to lessen the amount of pollen you inhale and sneeze out. Back in your home town, ragweed didn’t grow all that much, so you were able to get away with not wearing a flu mask unless you had the flu, but now was not the time to be cursing ragweed just for existing, you had to get to class.

You rushed past several other students, professors, and other humans as you ran toward your next class from your dorm. Sadly, for you, you had slept later than usual because of your allergy medicine, so now you were about to be late t your art class. Your teacher was very understanding, but it was so embarrassing to burst into the room while class was going on.

You had to slow to a walk from lack of stamina as your breath heaved from your chest and puffed your flu mask out slightly. A small family, with obviously obnoxious teens, walked by you and your rugged appearance brought those bratty teens to laugh hysterically. The halfhearted shushing from the parents/guardians did nothing to silence the children, so you simply ignored them and continued on your way.

As you walked over the campus bridge a monster couple glanced at you in alarm, probably frightened by how red your face was. Oh, yeah, monsters were a thing now. Apparently they had been trapped beneath a massive mountain called Mount Ebott, which was about twenty miles north of your college. Some human child, that had fallen underground, freed all of the monsters. The child, Chara, was then declared monster ambassador by the queen of monsterkind, Queen Toriel. If you remember correctly from what your ghost monster friend told you, Queen Toriel is located in Ebott city, ten miles north of your campus. Most monsters stay near the mountain, but there have been plenty who moved elsewhere, like Mettaton, your friend.

Mettaton looked like a pink ghost and was super nice. You clicked with them immediately and became best friends with the ghost after bombarding them with a billion questions about monsters. They told you that monster come in all sorts of different sizes, shapes, colors, etc. Monster kind of reminded you of all of the interesting and different flowers around in spring. So far, you had met only a few monsters, but you could already tell that they were each very different and were usually kind, even if a human was being a jerk to them. You were proud to say that you had actually chased away a 17 year-old boy from harassing Mettaton before the two of you became friends. The boy was bullying them and you “accidentally” bumped into him and caused him to fall into the fountain back in the colder months of autumn.

The memory made you chuckle and you took a short break from walking and looked over to the pond that bordered the campus library, which was open to the public (a small town five miles from the campus).

You thought monsters were incredible, but you were too nervous to approach them unless you stepped in like you did with Mettaton. The kid had even tried to punch you if Mettaton hadn’t helped you out by using magic. MAGIC! You thought it was so cool, and when you found out that all monsters could do magic, you nearly lost it at how cool you thought that was. After that, you and Mettaton (and your barrage of questions) exchanged emails and cell numbers and continued to hang out.

You remember that monsters surfaced last August and it was now April, which means that monsters have been on the surface for about seven months. You had met Mettaton at the beginning of January when you shoved that boy into the fountain.

With an abrupt sneeze, your thoughts returned to the current time and place and you immediately panicked and screamed, startling other students. Ignoring their confused expressions, you charged past the library and into the building next to it. As soon as you burst into the art building, you felt your phone vibrate, signaling that class has started.

Several students and professors watched as you bolted around corners and up the stairs to the third floor, where your class was being held. As you ran, you prayed to the stars that your professor was not in the room just yet.

You soon find your classroom and ran into the open door to find that you professor was, indeed, not in the room. But your worst fears were answered when you heard your professor’s deep baritone behind you.

“Good to have you in class, Ms. (y/n),” Professor Glassman said with a chuckle as he motioned for you to sit down. He was a professional artist who was admired by nearly all of the (mostly female) students on your campus. He was handsome, with tanned skin, bright blue eyes, and slick black hair. You personally could care less about what anyone looked like, you cared about what was on the inside, which Mettaton had hugged you for a long time when you told them that. You respected Glassman because he was fighting for the rights of monster kind and was using his art to support that idea.

Feeling your cheeks heat up further from both exhaustion and embarrassment, you made your way over to your seat. As you sat down, you lowered your eyes to your desk as hushed laughter from your ruder classmates reached your ears, but it did not last long as your professor started teaching.

(le time skip)

Five minutes before class ended, you felt someone poke your right shoulder and glanced over to see your friend grinning at you like an idiot. Blake, with sandy blonde hair, pale white skin, dark brown eyes, and a slim build, slid a note over to you, still smiling that classic face-splitting grin which only meant he wanted something from you.

You looked down at the note and frowned. All the note was, was a dumb smiling emoticon with a heart. As soon as Glassman ended class, you looked at Blake and held up the note. “What is this?” You deadpanned behind your flu mask.

“What? I was simply wondering if you wanted to go to the park with me?” Blake said and shrugged, still grinning.

“No,” You groaned and started picking up your notes and supplies. “Not unless you tell me what you actually want.”

With a dramatic gasp, Blake placed his hand on his chest, “(y/n), I thought you knew me better than that!” When his jesting did not amuse you, Blake relented and looked away from you with a blush. “Alright, fine. There’s this new sweet’s shop with a girl working there. I need your help.”

“Seriously? Why not go by yourself?” You said with a raised eyebrow and slung your bag over your shoulder. “Wouldn’t it leave the wrong impression if you take a girl to a shop to flirt with another girl?”

“Dude, no,” Blake threw up his hands and shook his head back and forth in exasperation, “It’s a sweet’s shop and we both know how much I hate sweets.”

You hummed at this and walked out of the class with Blake hot on your heels. The both of you started walking down the stairs (those blasted stairs), before you finally nodded. “Alright, I’ll go, but only if you buy me something from there.” You relented and glanced at your flirtatious friend, who was already vibrating with excitement, “So, what’s the excuse this time?”

“YES! YOU ARE THE BEST WING-WOMAN A GUY COULD ASK FOR!” Blake yelled and ran down the rest of the stairs with his insane amount of energy. As soon as he hit the bottom, he spun around to wait for you to reach the bottom before he started to explain his plan.

“Alright, so here’s the plan! You love sweets, which is true, but you had no way of getting to the shop from where you live on campus, which is somewhat true with all the pollen!” Blake quickly said before he grasped both of your shoulders and shook you slightly. “SO! I offered to take you there and that’s it!”

“Whoa, wait a second,” You laughed behind the flu mask and raised both of your hands, “Most of that is true and not fabricated like every other girl you wanted me to help you flirt with. Are you really that attracted to this girl?”

“Well, yeah,” Blake said and looked to the ground, making you chuckle.

“Then let’s head over there right now,” You said and shrugged before a violent sneeze tore through your body. Hopefully your body will be able to hold out for the next couple of hours.

Blake nodded and muffled a laugh as yet another sneeze shook your body. After a short walk, the two of you left the building and headed to the sweet’s shop, chatting to your hearts content. By the time you reached the shop, your stomach was growling slightly, so you were excited to taste a new treat. You and Blake were greeted by a pink haired girl with big silver eyes, who you assumed was the girl Blake was crushing on based on how he brightened up when he saw her. While Blake chatted with the pink-haired girl, you took your sweet (heh) time browsing the store front, before you made your choice. Once you got your (favorite flavored) treat, you left the shop with Blake, who left with the girl’s number and the goofiest grin you’ve ever seen.

“Score!” Blake fist-pumped once the two of you were in the park and on the path back to campus, “Thanks a bunch, (y/n). You’re the best wing-woman, as always.”

“Mmm,” You hummed in acknowledgement as you finished off the (fav flavored) treat, which you had pushed your mask down to your neck to eat. After that, the both of you went your separate ways (Blake went to his next class). You were marching your way back to your pollen-free dorm when a familiar scent caught your attention.

Faintly recognizing the scent, you turned down a dirt path that branched off of the concrete sidewalk and walked further into the forest near your campus. As you made your way down the soft path, the sounds of the college and the small town died down and were replaced with the songs of birds and the whistle of the wind through leaves and grass. You were intent on finding the source of the scent, but what you had found was beyond your expectations.

In the small opening in front of you, a skeleton in an orange hoodie and brown cargo shorts was leaning against a large oak tree. The skeleton appeared to be sleeping, considering their eye sockets were closed and their chest was rising and lowering steadily. You stared, in awe of the sleeping monster when a gentle breeze rustled the leaves and grass of the area and carried the warm scent of the honeysuckle. The soft shadows and various shades of red, orange, white, yellow, and pink flowers danced across the ivory bone of the orange clad skeleton.
~EDIT 5/19/2017~
I updated the story and fixed many errors!

Here's the first chapter of my Underswap (was gonna be Undertale, but~ eh~) reader insert fanfic.
Hope you guys enjoy!
This is only the beginning, after all


*ahem* (prepare for pun)
Tibia honest, I think I might rewrite this first chapter tomorrow after I re-read it (I feel like it isn't right for what I want to do).
Oh yeah, and there WILL be puns! :evillaugh:

Chapter 1 - YOU ARE HERE
Chapter 2 -…
Chapter 3 -…
Chapter 4 -…

Chapter 5 -…

Chapter 6 - Coming soon(ish)

Underswap belongs to whoever made it (sorry)
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
You belong to yourself and Swap!Papyrus (very soon)
Story belongs to me

I have no idea how long this is gonna be -_-
© 2017 - 2024 BlondeFromHell
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TheGamingEeveee's avatar
*fist pump* Yesh! More puns!